Another wonderful day spent cruising the Midi canal. We tied up on the canal at Port Colombiers, then took on water and had laundry done. We didn't leave until after 3pm so just cruised down to Capestang for the night. Got an early start, well 8:30 is early on our schedule. A cold front came through all day with rain so we ran the boat from inside except for the bridges and locks. We stopped at the little village for a great lunch, I had duck breast, Cindy had shrimp scampi (huge shrimp), Denise had salad with shrimp and David had spaghetti bolognese. Really good and then we walked around back to the boat. Our plans were to get through the last 3 locks and spend the night at the marina in Homps. Well you know about plans? The engine overheated again as we were tieing up to wait for the first set of locks. Since we were only 1 mile from Homps David took a bike and got a mechanic. He worked as quickly as he could replacing the impeller and removing all of the broken pieces of the other impeller that the other mechanic didn't get out. But, alas, at 6:55 we were first in line and the locks opened to let the downstream boats out, but the locks close at 7:00 SHARP! He wouldn't let us through. So we stayed there for the night. We rode bikes into Homps looking for internet, couldn't find any. On the ride back we decided to try the restaurant across the canal from the locks since they were open now. Internet! Good to check on everybody back home and make sure the hurricane didn't do any damage and no one was hurt.
Finally made it into Homps, the locks opened at 9:00 SHARP!
Sitting at a little cafe enjoying cafe and hot chocolate and chocolat croissants! Planning our next couple days adventures.
Life is good.
Tunnel? In a boat? Priceless! |
Wonderful day, wonderful friends |
another small boat bridge |
castle in the sky |
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